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    Industrial Hosseini

    Pastry and Bread consulting and manufacturing of machinery, industrial bread machine pizza dough, revolving ovens, and the tunnel floor, fermentation cabinet, automatic form filling

    Today, the expansion of production units using a bread machine as a new principle is introduced. Considering the constraints of society must inevitably be implemented gradually across the country.
    In order to achieve the above objectives, the industry group Hosseini

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    Ry Ry bread dough and a variety of traditional breads

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    Still looking like a routine now, pay bills and knowing how much fuel is left in all the mathematics they need. However that is not used for the calculation of these cases of advanced mathematics. These preliminary calculations are based on applied mathematics.

    This is exactly what the pastry chef Nanvayyv managers call it cooking formula.

    would be more satisfactory.

    Results of curing formulas are as follows:

    will have a taste.

    2 - you will help to minimize unexpected problems that will occur during the use of high quality and productivity problems.

    3 - Use the proper baking formulas need to be speculation and trial and error will not.

    6 - formulas, cooking can be a common language among the bakers.

    is. The correct formula for the baking of bread dough can Sangak to 100 kg of flour, 190-195 kg and 135-133 kg of bread dough will be produced.

    124-122 kg of dough and bread will be produced.

    The following table Ry Ry bread dough and a variety of traditional breads, flour water absorption rate is given. It Ry Ry bread dough, the dough from 100 kg of flour and bread flour is produced from 100 kg.

    Variety of traditional breads

    Ry dough

    Ry Bread







    Thin bread







    Water has a key role in preparing the dough. In fact, water as a solvent for other ingredients in the paste operation. Uniformity and consistency in the dough, the dough temperature, and finally, how is the bread volume and texture.

    irregular and non-uniform and it tastes like bread should Bayat.

    More water means more dough Ry is the percentage of water absorbed by the flour to the dough efficiency is important. Water absorption of flour, bread type, the type and amount of other materials added to the dough, weather conditions and water quality depends to some extent.


    Essential component of yeast bread that is produced in amounts of traditional breads, 4/0- 3 / 0% of the flour weight. In general, the use of these materials in addition to improving the aroma and flavor of bread improved bread volume and texture, improve Vtkhlkhl loss while increasing the digestibility of bread.A warm environment for yeast fermentation is essential for activity.

    During the preparation of dough, yeast can be added to flour and other dry ingredients such as salt and sugar, but should not be added directly. In this case, the power will decrease gas production by yeast.


    The use of salt in the preparation of traditional breads to 8 / 1% weight of flour is permitted. The role of salt in bread is far more important than other Afzvdnyhast.

    Tags: bakery equipment, bakery dough stuck, Tnvrgrdan bakery to buy bread machines, time-consuming pat Ken's broad-based and non-rotating base and tenor

    Source: http://breadclub.blogfa.com

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    Tags:     Bakery machines      bakery dough stuck      Tnvrgrdan bakery      buy a bread machine
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