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    Industrial Hosseini

    Pastry and Bread consulting and manufacturing of machinery, industrial bread machine pizza dough, revolving ovens, and the tunnel floor, fermentation cabinet, automatic form filling

    Today, the expansion of production units using a bread machine as a new principle is introduced. Considering the constraints of society must inevitably be implemented gradually across the country.
    In order to achieve the above objectives, the industry group Hosseini

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    Bakery equipment for traditional

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    Mixer types are:

    1 - Butterfly mixer with fixed trough: used more for heavy pastes.

    3 - the oval shape and pan rotary mixer with a brachial

    4 - brachial mixer with a rotating circular trough (trough mixer rotates in the opposite direction)

    Sangak bread equipment: shovel muck for PASTE: 40 to 50 cm in height, this shovel is made of aluminum Vdsth of 3 meters.

    - Pelvis for water to be used Nchsbydn paste the footman.

    - Grill with a metal rod length 3 to 20 / 3 is sharp with Nvky.

    Sand filter to remove sand: the sand is firmer and better stick to the floor of the oven is used.

    - Gravel or sand filter cache: a metal rod through the sand and move them into the oven.

    - Chngg: to move and better browning bread.

    Tenor: mud brick building is the tenor, tenor half-circular roof and floor is covered with the sand. The semi-direct heat and flame up to about 250 to 500 ° Ryg·ha is hot. Unlike in the past been the tenor of mazut fuel oil or gas is.

    The partially burned oil at high temperatures will be carcinogenic.

    Equipment and work tools Lavash:

    1 - With the mixer trough

    2 - board to flatten the chin

    3 - rock or bed

    4 - or Lyfth leak: another name for it is teak. The pads are usually round or oval shape of a board made of fabric with a surface is made of canvas.

    5 - to earn bread for thin cylindrical timber (2)

    6 - Iron Grill: The removal of burnt bread is used.

    7 - Balance

    8 - Electric fans

    9 - pan dough

    10 - palette knife for cutting the dough, or chin.

    Lavash mixer:

    The mixer has a spindle-shaped arm that works in about 50 to 60 rpm and heated to 30 ° to 28 brings the dough.

    - Devices used bread:

    1 - With the mixer trough

    2 - rolling pin to make a thin paste

    3 - boards to flatten the dough

    4 - put to bed rock or chin

    5 - For leak or pad

    6 - iron rod

    7 - Balance

    8 - palette knife for cutting the dough or chin

    9 - trough

    10 - a special comb to puncture dough

    Tenor: there are two types of oven, ground and air oven, the oven, made of clay is a crock.

    Barbari bread devices work:

    1 - With the mixer trough

    2 - palette knife

    3 - Dedicated to the bargaining table

    4 - to widen the bargaining table

    5 - carrying a shovel Manufacturer

    6 - a special shovel to move out and get bread.

    7 - a special dish and spoon Rvmal

    8 - tenor

    Barbari bread mixer:

    Spindle shaped and about 60 to 75 minutes away and makes the dough to 28 to 30 ° C temperature increase. Barbari bread in traditional oven heating system is the most complete, about 250 ° C. The temperature sometimes rises to more than 270 degrees. The temperature of the possibility that cancer-causing substances from the oil well that is not burned. Therefore, the fuel gas is likely Tnvrhayy such materials is much less.

    Tags: bakery equipment, bakery dough stuck, Tnvrgrdan bakery to buy bread machines, bread machines

    Source: http://breadclub.blogfa.com

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    Address : Iran- Karaj- kamal Shahr- end of zafar 6 - No 157 - Hosseini Industrial Group

    Telephones:  +982614713110

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